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Sometimes, we made great mistakes that we felt contrite about. Sometimes, we just cannot undo things we’ve done. Sometimes, we need a big punch right on our faces just to realize those sins we’ve done, whether it’s an error or on purpose. Sometimes, yes, sometimes…every time.

But what’s lies behind? We—us—need to realize that everything in this world might (and certainly) has its purpose, yes, there must be blessing in disguise. Maybe God want us to know and practically conscious that we human is only human. Human makes mistakes. Human does wrong in something—anything. Maybe God want us, since that, regret those, feel sorry about, ask apologize to God and everyone in the matter for those, trying to fix them as much as we be able to. That’s how we’re being human, that’s the sign that we are human. Human is His greatest creation, the one with mind, heart and instinct on in the same time.

The utmost question is how good we balance those blessings to cope with every problem in our lives? Can we balance and face the problems tactfully? Yeah, it’s perfectly not as easy as reversing your (healthy) hand. No, it’s totally hard. But, that’s the art of being human, right? We live to learn and learn, make mistakes and learn not to do again, and then fix those.  Will we just let our stupidity drag us to hell—literally and allegory? Ah, of course those with healthy mind, great heart and stable instinct won’t let him/her dragged.

Well, then what we can do?

Ask God how to. I’m not kidding. Seriously, The One Who Created us, just won’t let us down. You believe in God?  No? OMG, then why do you keep reading this? Ah, IJK, but I just want to underline the line “...God won’t let us down.” How to reach Him? You kidding me? Don’t you know—

Ok, I presume that you know fully conscious if God had already sent us with signs. Directly and indirectly. Directly; just like I said, everything in this world has its purpose(s). Every nature’s occurrence is a sign. (I actually didn’t mean to write about this deeply.) Indirectly; we got our messenger(s) out there. From Noah to the latest and last messenger, Muhammad Sholallohu ‘Alaihi Wassalam. They brought directions to their fellow directly from God, which are contain the  way of life, rules to make it still on path and many more (rules made for better life, don’t they?). And I do believe that those messenger’s directions are parallel, have their similarities, because they show us the right and proper way to live our lives. Yes, I believe that they come from the same God.

Ah, back to the main topic, by following God’s directions, you just won’t fail yourself, your life, your parents and all yours. I mean, yeah, you won’t. It’s because you know how to balance every blessing you’ve got to stay alive, fully. Rules make you think clearly, sense better and (hopefully) make you do everything without error. If you’re going to do something bad, you’ll rethink and then cancel it. If you’re off to fail yourself…well you won’t. But if you do, you still have God. Ask His mercy, and He always show mercy to everyman who ask for it.

Remember this, “The best sinful human is the one who ask God for mercy.”

Ask for it.

Regret your mistake.

Don’t do it anymore.

Renovate your life.

Be better human!


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